Manager: Mr. Keith Smith
Location: Bois D’Orange, Gros Islet
Contact: Tel: 1 – 758 452-5558
Mailing Address: P.O Box GM 699
Email: kerris@stluciainsurancebroker.com
Website: http://www.icslu.com

Manager: Ms. Goretti Paul
Location: P. O. Box CP 5352, St. Lucia
Contact: Tel: 1 – 758 4584001
Mailing Address: P.O Box BW450,Rodney Bay,Gros Islet
Email: goretti.paul@hrwiseinc.com
Website: www.hrwiseinc.com/

Manager: Ms. Camara Francois
Location: P. O. Box CP 5352, St. Lucia
Contact: Tel: 1 – 758 450-2410/ 458-5750
Email: camarafrancois@cgmgallagher.com
Website: www.cgmgallagher.com/

Manager: Ms. Agnes Francis
Location: P. O. Box 1058, Coral Avenue, Edgewater, Gros Islet, St. Lucia
Contact: Tel: 1 – 758 – 452 – 6299
Email: afrancis@accelamarketing.com
Website: www.accelamarketing.com

Manager: Joralia St Louis
Telephone: 758.452.8334/758.458.0092
Fax Number: 1 758.452.9492
Location: PO Box CP5702 Orange Park Commercial Centre Bois D’Orange Gros Islet St. Lucia
Email Address: Joralia.Stlouis@beacon.co.tt
Website: http://beacon.co.tt/

Manager: Mr. Steve Etienne
Telephone: 1 758 451-6436 / 451-6809
Fax Number: 1 758 451-6437
Location: P. O. Box CP 5380, Castries
Email Address: lucian_steve@hotmail.com / setienne@eccorights.org
Website: www.eccorights.org
Company Description: COMING SOON
Managing Director: Mr. Daniel M Belizaire
Telephone Number: 1 758 450-0307
Location: P. O. Box 2210, Gros Islet
Email Address: belizaired@candw.lc / beli_d@hotmail.com

Location: P. O. Box 201, Castries, St. Lucia
Contact: 1 – 758 – 451 – 3079
Email: rsurage.pkf@candw.lc
Website: www.pkf.com

Kensington Court Limited, the Holding Company, was formed in 1975 and is the Holding Company for Regional Business Systems, Inc and H. Jason Jones & Co. Ltd . Our office solutions products span a complete range of equipment for dynamic businesses and include everything from standard office equipment such as calculators, faxes and shredders to Digital copiers and personal computer systems.
Manager: Mr Roger Worm
Telephone Number: 1 246-264-1510
Fax Number: 1 264-429-9665
Location: P. O. Box 1231, Bridgetown, Barbados
Email Address: gm@kensingtoncourt.com
Website: www.RegionalBusinessSystems.com
Company Description: Grant Thornton is one of the world’s leading organisations of independent assurance, tax and advisory firms. These firms help dynamic organisations unlock their potential for growth by providing meaningful, forward looking advice. Proactive teams, led by approachable partners in these firms, use insights, experience and instinct to understand complex issues for privately owned, publicly listed and public sector clients and help them to find solutions. More than 35,000 Grant Thornton people, across over 100 countries, are focused on making a difference to clients, colleagues and the communities in which we live and work.
Telephone Number: 1 (758)-456-2600
Fax Number: 1 (754)-452-1061
Location: Point Seraphine, Castries
Website: www.grantthornton.lc
Email Address: grantthornton@lc.gt.com