Manager: Trevor Naitram
Contact Number: 1 758 719-5866
Location: Babonneau Post Office
Email: tnaitram@hotmail.com/stand4turtles@gmail.com
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/STAND4TURTLES/ + https://www.instagram.com/stand4turles

Manager: Donovan Brown
Contact Number: 1 758 488-0482
Location: P.O. Box RB 2607, Rodney Bay
Email: dnewtonb@yahoo.com

Manager: John Allamby
Contact Number: 1 758 450-2744
Location: Rodney Bay Marina
Email: j.allamby@thepearlslu.com
Website: http://thepearlstlucia.com

All Island Tour – Jump behind the wheels of the legendary Mini Cooper Convertible and drive off on an all island adventure where you can choose to See St. Lucia Topless or, in the air- conditioned luxury and comfort of your Mini Cooper convertible. Your Tour Concierge will lead you in convoy along scenic routes while you learn about St. Lucia’s history, people and landmarks from both your audio guide and Tour Concierge. Explore Pigeon Island National Park in Gros-Islet, where the famous Fort Rodney is located; and Morne Fortune, high above the town of Castries.
Half Day Tour – A sightseeing adventure awaits you in St. Lucia! Drive your Mini Cooper convertible in convoy while being led by our professional Tour Concierge who will guide you along your mini island road trip. As you drive, listen to the audio guide in your car and learn about the sites and history of St. Lucia. Drive through the hip Rodney Bay village and along the famous Rodney Bay Marina to the colorful village of Gros-Islet.
Location: Rodney Bay
Cost: Half day – US$125pp (min. 2pax)
Full day – US$225pp (min. 2pax)
Contact: Lisa Gardner & Andre Dhanpaul
Social Media Sites: Instagram – mini cooper_roadtrip Facebook – @minicooperroadtrip
Email: minicooperroadtrip@gmail.com
Website: www.minicooperroadtrip.com

Directors: Kervin Mitchell & Julia Carol-Mitchell
Location: Bexon Highway, Castries, Saint Lucia
Contact: 1-758-451-2136

Manager: Maureen & Joan Fontenelle
Telephone Number: 1 758 457 1122
Location: 62 Church St Soufriere
Email Address: maureenfontenelle@yahoo.co.uk
Website: http://www.tetpaulnaturetrail.com/
Manager: Mr. Trevor Naitram
Telephone Number: 1 758 453-5223
Fax Number: 1 758 458-2721
Location: P.O. Box 4045, Bocage, Castries
Email Address: tnaitram@hotmail.com
Manager: Ms. Sharleen Peter
Telephone Number: 1 758 451-2136
Fax Number: 1 758 451-0857
Location: P.O. Box MF 7050 Rodney Bay
Email Address: sharleenp.kclm@gmail.com

Manager: Mr. Peter Bryne
Telephone Number: 1 758 452-5586/1 758 716-1617
Fax Number: 1 758 458-2365
Website: www.carnivalsailing.com
Email Address: carnival@candw.lc

Manager: Mrs. Joan Devaux
Telephone Number: 1 (758) 452-4759
Fax Number: 1 758 453-2068
Website: www.diamondstlucia.com
Email Address: jdevaux@candw.lc

Manager: Mr. Josh De Freitas
Telephone Number: 1 758 7125808
Location: P. O. Box 8390 Soufiere
Email Address: dlumkong@gmail.com / reservations@stluciaziplining.com
Website: www.stluciaziplining.com

Manager: Mr. Bryan Devaux
Telephone Number: 1 758 458-0908
Fax Number: 1 758 452-4868
Location: P.O.Box RB 2581, Gros Islet
Email Address: palmservices.reservations@gmail.com / reservations@adventuretourstlucia.com
Website: www.adventurestlucia.com

Manager: Mr. John Louis
Telephone Number: 1 758 458-5151 / 1 758 715-2679
Fax Number: 1 758 458-5150
Location: P. O. Box 6066, Castries
Email Address: rainforestskyrides@gmail.com
Website: www.rainforestadventure.com

Manager: Mr. Mervin Robert
Telephone Number: 1 (758) 453-6950
Fax Number: 1 758 452-1553
Location: P.O.Box GM 945 Castries
Email Address: stluciahelicopters@candw.lc
Website: www.stluciahelicopters.com

Manager: Mr. Corey Devaux
Telephone Number: 1 (758) 458-0123/484-6119
Fax Number: 1 758 452-0916
Location: P.O.Box RB2587, Gros Islet
Email Address: sales@seaspraycruises.com
Website: www.seaspraycruises.com

Manager: Ms. Cecila Trim
Telephone Number: 1 (758) 459-8273 / 1 (758) 722-3657
Location: P. O. Box RB 2728, Rodney Bay, Gros Islet
Email Address: ctmarquis19@gmail.com / info@trimsridingstlucia.com
Website: www.trimsridingstlucia.com

Manager: Ms. Nicole Cozier
Telephone Number: 1 (758) 455-6044 / 1 (758) 485-9204 Fax Number: 455-6091
Location: P.O.Box GI 2247, Gros-Islet
Email Address: ncozier@islandroutes.com
Website: www.islandroutes.com

Manager: Mr. Julian Adjodha
Telephone Number: 1 (758) 450-4001/ 450-4491
Fax Number: 450-4002
Location: P.O. Box BW 430, Baywalk
Email Address: jaginc@candw.lc; jaginc.operations@candw.lc

Manager: Nereus Francis
Contact Number: 1 758 450-6848
Location: Babonneau Post Office
Email: cosol966@gmail.com
Website: www.cosol-tours.com
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/cosolstluciatours

Manager: Daniel Nunez & Mindy Khodra
Contact Number: 1 758 284-4554/729-0444
Post Office: Rodney Bay Gros Islet BW 456